We have politicians spewing propaganda
As the Bible Belt tightens notch by notch
We have kids on TV with uzi machine guns
Making murderous statements in the name of "rock"
And we make our arguments in the newspapers
And on religious radio talk shows everyday
Get rid of free speech, free press, and free will
And God help us dismantle the N.R.A.

We have video death simulator fun
That's a little too removed for some to enjoy
So we find a small country and bring out our big tanks
To engage in our latest self-reassuring ploy
And as the innocent lie bleeding
And the starving are dying in the streets
We hide behind our mask or irony
And state we must maintain the peace

And with the latest coverage coming in
Late breaking headlines flash upon our viewing screen
It seems a man has just murdered his family
And our boys have sunk another submarine
So tune in tonight at a special time
Because live via satellite we have an exclusive interview
The voice of God himself, Old Falwell
Damns Oliver Stone and tells our troops they must pursue

It's Evolution

From the savage beasts of yesteryear
To the sophisticated swine we have today
The hypocrites surrounding us
Like to think they've come a long way

It's Evolution

A misguided stranger on the street
Clubs a woman for a handful of change
As the President orders another attack
To protect the oil in Kuwait

It's Evolution

The news hounds arrive live on the scene
To report the death toll and lay blame
Apparently he liked black clothing
And was only seeking fame

It's Evolution

Meanwhile a village in North Korea
Suddenly bursts into flames
As the brave heroes who sent the missiles
Are sitting comfortably out of range

It's Evolution

And a single mother from South Carolina
Has just aborted her would-be child
And as she leaves the clinic
She's killed by members of a Pro-Life rally

It's Evolution

From the savage beasts of yesteryear
To the sophisticated swine we have today
The hypocrites surrounding us
Like to think they've come a long way

It's Evolution

~~~Shawn Carter~~~ (8/18/99)