Blessed Sun

I hunger for the sun, my glistening beacon,
and its protective wings of love.
At times I can truly feel its grace, burning a candled warmth oh so bright,
Spreading awing wildfire into these fogged valleys and shadowed realms,
Sparking passion's nectar-lit lamps with a pure and ambrosial light.

When the sun becomes cloud-hidden and my windows remain heavily curtained,
Dreary-misted days drag on forever, shading this poor, wilted soul.
Oh how I long for its blazing, rainbow-touched kiss to stream through,
Radiating its rich, luminous strength and restoring me, ripen and whole.

When the day is cloudless and blue palettes of truth paint my soul's canvas,
There is such peaceful comfort knowing the blessed sun is again smiling here.
Ah, having this guardian angel glow and to frolic in its innocent warmth,
Erasing all of night's darkened terror and melting away the frostbitten fear.

My spirit lifts each morn in springful hope as the sun peers from horizon's edge
Freely offering a fresh, summered-world of vibrant, crystal-clear essence.
I stand here humbled, ready to discard this wintry, threadbare parasol-
Grasp its open hand, and begin anew - with a golden waltz in its heavenly presence.
